What (and how!) to teach your young child about the Civil Rights Movement

(I'll also send you an interview that walks you through HOW to have these kinds of conversations with your child, as well as updates on topics related to parenting and child development.)


Move beyond the platitudes you learned in school:

Dr. Martin Luther King was the major driver of the signing of the Civil Rights Act (actually, thousands of people contributed)

Rosa Parks was 'just a seamstress' (she was a long-time member of the NAACP whose case was selected among several others as most likely to succeed)

After the Civil Rights Movement, blacks and whites became essentially equal

Download the FREE Guide that will prepare you to talk with your child about this topic, which includes:

A list of vetted children's books

A guide to primary resources (young children are more ready for this than you might think!)

Key points to over to be sure you're giving a complete (not just a rosy) picture of the status of race relations after the Civil Rights Movement