Are you ready to stop feeling triggered by your child's behavior?
If your child is aged 1-10, this FREE Guide will help you to do just that. You'll learn:
  • How the difficult things that happened to you in childhood show up in your interactions with your children today
  • That even if you didn't have a 'traumatic' childhood, you still experienced the Trauma of Unmet Needs
  • Why your unmet needs today are key to feeling triggered less often
If you yell at your child more often than you'd like, you're not alone.

We work so hard to heal ourselves... but it can seem like it's taking forever.

You can feel less triggered by your child's behavior...

... no matter how bad things are right now.
 "I now know that I can and should focus on myself, my traumas, and every day self-care. I've become happier, more confident and loving of myself, and in turn, become a better parent. It's been a win-win for us all."
- Parent Erin
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