Research-based ideas
to help kids thrive


 Hi, I'm Jen

And I want to help make parenting easier - and help to create a world where everyone belongs
Let's keep in touch
 Researcher | Parenting Coach | 2023 Debut Author

Hi, I'm Jen

  And I want to help make parenting easier - and help to create a world where everyone belongs 



Can't parenting just be a little easier?

We love our kids. There's no question about that. But at the same time, parenting is just so hard.
Our kids don't listen to us. They stall. They resist.
Things seem out of control, and if we could regain just a little bit of control, things would be better. Easier.

Can't parenting just
be a little easier?

We love our kids. There's no question about that. But at the same time, parenting is just so hard.

Our kids don't listen to us.
They stall.
They resist.

Things seem out of control, and if we could regain just a little bit of control, things would be better.


 And what about you?

Somehow, in all this 'doing everything for the kids,' you get lost. Something doesn't seem right, but you can't quite put your finger on what:
  • All of your energy goes toward keeping the family afloat - financially, mentally, and emotionally
  • You snap at your kids more often than you'd like, because there's just not enough of you to go around
  • You've forgotten what it's like to be you - to have hobbies and interests outside of your family. Even thinking about having a hobby sounds like too much work!
  • You care so much about the challenges we're facing in the world, but all of your energy is taken up just getting through each day. how could any small thing you can do really make a difference?

 And what about you?

Somehow, in all this 'doing everything for the kids,' you get lost. Something doesn't seem right, but you can't quite put your finger on what:
  • All of your energy goes toward keeping the family afloat - financially, mentally, and emotionally
  • You snap at your kids more often than you'd like, because there's just not enough of you to go around
  • You've forgotten what it's like to be you - to have hobbies and interests outside of your family. Even thinking about having a hobby sounds like too much work!
  • You care so much about the challenges we're facing in the world, but all of your energy is taken up just getting through each day. how could any small thing you can do really make a difference?

 It's all connected 

It might seem like the social challenges we're facing are completely disconnected from our daily experience of parenting... but in fact they are intimately connected.

Just as your own interactions with your parents shaped who you are, your interactions with your children shape how they will be in relationships with you - and with others in the world.

When we use power to get our children to comply, they then use power over others in the wider world.

Sharing power with our children doesn't mean we're in a free-for-all: instead it means we're in a relationship with them where their needs and our needs are met on a regular basis... and that makes parenting easier. (It might also change the world.)

 It's all connected

It might seem like the social challenges we're facing are completely disconnected from our daily experience of parenting... but in fact they are intimately connected.

Just as your own interactions with your parents shaped who you are, your interactions with your children shape how they will be in relationships with you - and with others in the world.

When we use power to get our children to comply, they then use power over others in the wider world.

Sharing power with our children doesn't mean we're in a free-for-all: instead it means we're in a relationship with them where their needs and our needs are met on a regular basis... and that makes parenting easier. (It might also change the world.)

I want to make the world a better place... for you and your child

I did well according to the traditional markers of success - a double major (Forestry and English) from the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a Master's in Environmental Management from Yale and a job at a Big 5 consulting company. After my daughter was born I was frustrated by the "10 ways to tell if your child has a developmental delay" - style emails from the big baby-oriented websites, but couldn't find the resources I wanted: someone to tell me not just what this latest study says, but how that fits into the body of research on a topic and from there, what are my decision options.

I created the Your Parenting Mojo podcast to fill that gap, and I've 'grown up' as a parent alongside my listeners and, later, the parents in my membership and course communities. While I still look to understand the academic research (and typically review 30+ sources for an average episode), I also now factor in the culture that research sits within.

I see the harm that social forces like White supremacy, patriarchy, and racism wreaked on all of us (this is why parenting is so hard) - although on some of us more than others. I also see that unless we make a conscious decision to do things differently, that we will end up continuing the cycle, hurting our own children in the sames way that we hurt.

I want to make the world a better place... for you and your child

I did well according to the traditional markers of success - a double major (Forestry and English) from the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a Master's in Environmental Management from Yale and a job at a Big 5 consulting company. After my daughter was born I was frustrated by the "10 ways to tell if your child has a developmental delay" - style emails from the big baby-oriented websites, but couldn't find the resources I wanted: someone to tell me not just what this latest study says, but how that fits into the body of research on a topic and from there, what are my decision options.

I created the Your Parenting Mojo podcast to fill that gap, and I've 'grown up' as a parent alongside my listeners and, later, the parents in my membership and course communities. While I still look to understand the academic research (and typically review 30+ sources for an average episode), I also now factor in the culture that research sits within.

I see the harm that social forces like White supremacy, patriarchy, and racism wreaked on all of us (this is why parenting is so hard) - although on some of us more than others. I also see that unless we make a conscious decision to do things differently, that we will end up continuing the cycle, hurting our own children in the sames way that we hurt.

Join me in creating a world where everyone belongs

The same tools that help make parenting easier for you also help us to create a better world for all children.

When our children know that we truly respect them and will try to meet both of our needs, we spend less time in conflict and more time to interact in loving, deeply connected ways.

When men truly respect women, women will be safe (and seen, and 'feminine' qualities won't be a bad thing).

When White people truly respect Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, they will be safe (and Blackness and Indigeneity will be valued by all races.

When we truly respect the Earth, we will find ways to meet all of our needs while living with the Earth's capacity.

Will you join me?
I'd love to hear from Jen

 Join me in creating a world where everyone belongs

The same tools that help make parenting easier for you also help us to create a better world for all children.

When our children know that we truly respect them and will try to meet both of our needs, we spend less time in conflict and more time to interact in loving, deeply connected ways.

When men truly respect women, women will be safe (and seen, and 'feminine' qualities won't be a bad thing).

When White people truly respect Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, they will be safe (and Blackness and Indigeneity will be valued by all races.

When we truly respect the Earth, we will find ways to meet all of our needs while living with the Earth's capacity.

Will you join me?

Your Parenting Mojo
reflects my values

I wish capitalism didn't exist, and that I didn't have bills to pay, so I didn't have to charge for my work. I spend more than half my time creating resources that I make available for free, and I wouldn't be able to continue doing this if I didn't charge for some content.

The value you get out of my workshops and memberships depends on the work you put in. People who have really engaged with the material say that if they had known before they signed up how much it was going to change their lives they would have paid thousands of dollars to achieve these benefits.

When I reopen workshops and memberships, I invite you to select the sliding scale price that feels like the best fit for your situation. Your experience inside the workshop or membership will be the same no matter what amount you pay.

I'm always looking for ways to move forward a post-capitalist world, so if you have ideas, please be in touch!

Your Parenting Mojo reflects my values

I wish capitalism didn't exist, and that I didn't have bills to pay, so I didn't have to charge for my work. I spend more than half my time creating resources that I make available for free, and I wouldn't be able to continue doing this if I didn't charge for some content.

The value you get out of my workshops and memberships depends on the work you put in. People who have really engaged with the material say that if they had known before they signed up how much it was going to change their lives they would have paid thousands of dollars to achieve these benefits.

When I reopen workshops and memberships, I invite you to select the sliding scale price that feels like the best fit for your situation. Your experience inside the workshop or membership will be the same no matter what amount you pay.

I'm always looking for ways to move forward a post-capitalist world, so if you have ideas, please be in touch!

 And is grounded in research, while also understanding context, biases & challenging existing paradigms

What it means to be research-based at Your Parenting Mojo & what it means for you
Divider Text
It's important that resources we rely on for information about parenting and child development are grounded in scientific research.

Learn how a research-based approach informs not just the podcast, but my workshops, courses and both Parenting and Learning memberships.

 And is grounded in research, while also understanding context, biases & challenging existing paradigms 

What it means to be research-based at Your Parenting Mojo & what it means for you
Divider Text
It's important that resources we rely on for information about parenting and child development are grounded in scientific research.

Learn how a research-based approach informs not just the podcast, but my workshops, courses and both Parenting and Learning memberships.

How to connect with me

I publish a new podcast episode at least every other Sunday (sometimes more often) so join the mailing list to receive updates on these as well as course and membership enrollment periods.
If you'd like to support the work that I do to create the podcast episodes and blog posts, I invite you to support the show with a one-time or recurring donation.
If you prefer to watch rather than listen, I also publish most episodes on YouTube!
Support the Show
Watch on YouTube

How to connect
with me


I publish a new podcast episode at least every other Sunday (sometimes more often) so join the mailing list to receive updates on these as well as course and membership enrollment periods.
If you'd like to support the work that I do to create the podcast episodes and blog posts, I invite you to support the show with a one-time or recurring donation.
If you prefer to watch rather than listen, I also publish most episodes on YouTube!

About my mom

Jen Lumanlan (my mom!) is host & founder of Your Parenting Mojo, named best research-based parenting podcast by LifeHacker.  She interviews the 'Who's Who' in parenting and child development, using a framework that helps families to apply new ideas that fit with their own values.

With 200+ episodes covering everything from how to get your kids to eat more vegetables, Why we shouldn't read the Your X-Year-Old Child books anymore, to various topics at the intersection of race and parenting, Your Parenting Mojo has been downloaded over 3 million times worldwide and has evolved to include workshops, ongoing memberships and more to support parents' needs, and children's learning and development.

Jen holds undergraduate degrees in Forestry and English from the University of California, Berkeley, a Master's in Environmental Management from Yale, and previously spent a career in corporate environmental strategy and sustainability consulting. Later she earned another Master's in Psychology (Child Development), and a third in Education. She is also a CoActive Coach - which means she will listen to you perhaps like nobody else has listened to you before.

Jen's popular 10 week Taming Your Triggers workshop (opens in Spring and Autumn) helps parents figure out how to stop being triggered by their child's age appropriate behavior and parent from a place of calm, clarity and confidence. For those looking to bring many of the tools and strategies discussed in the podcast into their own home and families, Jen's Parenting Membership (opens in late Spring) helps parents support their child's development while also making parenting easier. And for those parents looking to support their children's intrinsic love of learning, Jen's Learning Membership (opens in Autumn) helps keep children's intrinsic curiosity and motivation intact.

On September 5, 2023, in partnership with Sasquatch Books & Penguin Random House, Jen launched her first book that describes practical tools parents can use to raise children who will change the world tomorrow - while also making family life easier today.

The book traces the ways that social forces like White supremacy (including racism), patriarchy, and capitalism have hurt us - and how we will pass those hurts on to our children unless we make a conscious decision to do something differently.  The book shows step-by-step how to both understand and meet our children's needs and our own needs so we can all live fulfilled lives - making it easier to get out the door in the morning, while raising children who will see all people's needs as equally important as their own.

My dad & I are quite proud of her, and are excited about her new book. We believe it's going to change the world (she really has super powers)!

P.S. - I make a guest appearance on the podcast here!

About my mom

Jen Lumanlan (my mom!) is host & founder of Your Parenting Mojo, named best research-based parenting podcast by LifeHacker.  She interviews the 'Who's Who' in parenting and child development, using a framework that helps families to apply new ideas that fit with their own values.

With 200+ episodes covering everything from how to get your kids to eat more vegetables, Why we shouldn't read the Your X-Year-Old Child books anymore, to various topics at the intersection of race and parenting, Your Parenting Mojo has been downloaded over 3 million times worldwide and has evolved to include workshops, ongoing memberships and more to support parents' needs, and children's learning and development.

Jen holds undergraduate degrees in Forestry and English from the University of California, Berkeley, a Master's in Environmental Management from Yale, and previously spent a career in corporate environmental strategy and sustainability consulting. Later she earned another Master's in Psychology (Child Development), and a third in Education. She is also a CoActive Coach - which means she will listen to you perhaps like nobody else has listened to you before.

Jen's popular 10 week Taming Your Triggers workshop (opens in Spring and Autumn) helps parents figure out how to stop being triggered by their child's age appropriate behavior and parent from a place of calm, clarity and confidence. For those looking to bring many of the tools and strategies discussed in the podcast into their own home and families, Jen's Parenting Membership (opens in late Spring) helps parents support their child's development while also making parenting easier. And for those parents looking to support their children's intrinsic love of learning, Jen's Learning Membership (opens in Autumn) helps keep children's intrinsic curiosity and motivation intact.

On September 5, 2023, in partnership with Sasquatch Books & Penguin Random House, Jen launched her first book that describes practical tools parents can use to raise children who will change the world tomorrow - while also making family life easier today.

The book traces the ways that social forces like White supremacy (including racism), patriarchy, and capitalism have hurt us - and how we will pass those hurts on to our children unless we make a conscious decision to do something differently.  The book shows step-by-step how to both understand and meet our children's needs and our own needs so we can all live fulfilled lives - making it easier to get out the door in the morning, while raising children who will see all people's needs as equally important as their own.

My dad & I are quite proud of her, and are excited about her new book. We believe it's going to change the world (she really has super powers)!

P.S. - I make a guest appearance on the podcast here!

Your Parenting Mojo Podcast |
10 Episodes to Get You Started...

With 200+ episodes from how to get your kids to eat more vegetables to various topics at the intersection of race & parenting, and more...
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Your Parenting Mojo Podcast |
10 Episodes to Get You Started...

With 200+ episodes from how to get your kids to eat more vegetables to various topics at the intersection of race & parenting, and more...

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