235: Children’s threats: What they mean and how to respond

Children’s threats: What they mean and how to respond

Children’s threats: What they mean and how to respond   “If you don’t give me a lollipop, I won’t be your friend anymore.”  Said to a sibling: “If you don’t come and sit down, I’ll take your toy.”  “If you don’t give me candy before dinner, I’ll hit you.”   Has your child made threats…

234: The problem with Time Outs: Why they fail, and what to do Instead

The Problem with Time-Outs: Why They Fail, and What to Do Instead

In Part 2 of this mini-series, we explore why time-outs often fail to address misbehavior effectively and how they can harm parent-child relationships.

Key insights include:

Why it’s hard to tell misbehavior from emotional distress—and why this matters.
What’s behind challenging behaviors like hitting, throwing, and boundary testing.
Alternatives to time-outs that foster empathy, trust, and better outcomes.
With research-backed tools and real-life stories, this episode helps you handle misbehavior while strengthening your bond with your child.

233: Time Outs: Helpful or harmful? Here’s what the research says

Time Outs: Helpful or harmful? Here’s what the research says.

Time Outs: Helpful or harmful? Here’s what the research says Pediatricians and researchers commonly recommend that parents use time outs when kids misbehave.  Time outs are promoted as an effective, evidence-based parenting strategy – although the real reason they’re so highly recommended is that they cause less damage to children than hitting. But if we’re…