223: What, Why, and How to Parent Beyond Power

I know that when you start using new parenting tools, things don’t always go according to plan. Your kids don’t say what you think they will, or maybe you perceive that their behavior is just kind of crappy, or maybe your partner isn’t on board with your ideas. In this episode I address what to…

222: How to cultivate Menstrual Cycle Awareness with The Red School

This episode was…unplanned. 🙂 A couple of months ago I interviewed Dr. Louise Newson on the topic of menopause. Dr. Newson is a medical doctor and focused very heavily on Hormone Replacement Therapy as a treatment that everyone who menstruates should at least consider, and I knew I wanted to do an episode with someone…

220: Nutritious movement for your child – and you!

A few months ago my daughter had a routine checkup at the doctor, who asked how much screen time she gets in a day (which is more than typical recommendations but way less time than children spend sitting in school). The doctor told her (but really she told me): “You should get more exercise.” Carys…

219: The skills your child will need in the age of AI

What your child is learning in school isn’t enough The things your child is learning in school are not the things that are most likely to lead to their success in the future. Who could have predicted the shifts we’ve seen since Chat GPT-3 was released to the public in November 2022? While AI still…