108: How to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic

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In this episode we discuss how to cope with parents’ and children’s fear and anxiety related to the Coronavirus pandemic, how to keep the children busy so you can get some work done (without resorting to hours of screen time), and how to use the time that you are focused on them to develop your family relationships as well as their learning, rather than you driving each other nuts.

To download a FREE sample routine to help you organize your days, and also join a FREE one-week workshop to give you the tools you need to cope with this situation, please go to yourparentingmojo.com/coronavirus


Other episodes mentioned in this show

Talk Sex Today

Understanding the AAP’s new screen time guidelines

Raising your child in a digital world



List of video conferencing companies offering free services

Geocaching website

Nature journaling videos with John Muir Laws


Jump to highlights

00:58 Introduction of episode

04:16 Difference between fear, worry, anxiety, and panic and how they impact a person

07:23 Official diagnosis of anxiety

08:36 Official diagnosis of a panic attack

10:05 What can we do to be less afraid

16:33 Difference between routine and schedule

22:48 A learning exploration

29:49 Parents worry about loneliness

39:50 Realization during the pandemic


About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.

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