
060: What do children learn from reading books?

By Jen Lumanlan | Mar 25, 2018

Delve into the world of children’s learning through storytelling with Dr. Deena Weisberg from The University of Pennsylvania. Explore the valuable insights into what children glean from stories, their ability to understand morals, and the role of various book types in their development.

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056: Beyond “You’re OK!”: Modeling Emotion Regulation

By Jen Lumanlan | Jan 28, 2018

Discover how emotional regulation in parent-child interactions can shape a child’s understanding of emotions and their own emotional regulation skills in this enlightening episode.

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048: How to read with your child

By Jen Lumanlan | Oct 9, 2017

In this episode, we delve into the research on promoting a love of reading in children and discuss practical strategies for parents to help nurture this essential skill.

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047: How to raise a bilingual child

By Jen Lumanlan | Sep 10, 2017

In this episode, we explore the challenges and benefits of raising a bilingual child, offering practical guidance and expert advice for parents seeking to navigate the complexities of language development.

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042: How to teach a child to use manners

By Jen Lumanlan | Jul 2, 2017

Explore the intriguing world of manners and politeness as we navigate the research on teaching children good manners, and discover effective strategies for instilling politeness while fostering a respectful parent-child relationship.

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