Parenting and technology

217: How to end the video game struggles

By Jen Lumanlan | Jul 21, 2024

Video games can be tough. Our kids enjoy them so much…but can’t tear their eyes away from them when time’s up without a meltdown. Some games, like Fortnite and Roblox, can be really violent, and aren’t our kids learning bad messages when they play? Plus even if they aren’t playing something violent, they aren’t really…

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technoference phubbing

125: Should you worry about technoference?

By Jen Lumanlan | Nov 20, 2020

Discover expert insights on managing screen usage around children in this informative episode featuring Dr. Jenny Radesky, a leading researcher in the field. Learn about the impact of screen time on child self-regulation and parent-child interaction, and explore practical steps to navigate and find balance in your own or your partner’s screen habits. Gain valuable knowledge to create a healthy digital environment for your family.

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019: Raising your Child in a Digital World: Interview with Dr. Kristy Goodwin

By Jen Lumanlan | Jan 1, 2017

Dr. Kristy Goodwin, a leading digital parenting expert, offers practical advice on handling screen time for kids. Learn how to navigate this digital age with confidence in this episode, as Dr. Goodwin shares research-based insights from her book, “Raising Your Child in a Digital World.” Whether you’ve been limiting screens or using them as a crutch, find valuable tools for guiding your child’s digital journey.

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