004: How to encourage creativity and artistic ability in young children – Interview with Dr. Tara Callaghan


I’m so excited to welcome my first guest on the Your Parenting Mojo podcast: Professor Tara Callaghan of St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia.   Professor Callaghan has spent a great number of years studying the emergence of artistic ability in young children and she shares some of her insights with us.  This is a rather longer episode than usual so here are some places you might want to skip ahead to if you have specific interest:

[03:55]: The connection between individuality and creativity, especially in Western cultures

[09:00]: What is “symbolic representation” and why is the development of symbolic representation an important milestone for young children?

[12:10]: Is it helpful for parents to ask a child “What are you drawing?”

[15:25]: When do children understand symbols?

[31:15]: What can parents do to support children’s development of symbolic representation in particular and artistic ability in general?


Dr. Tara Callaghan’s Book

Early social cognition in three cultural contexts – Affiliate link



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About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.

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