006: Wait, is my toddler racist?

Your Parenting Mojo Podcast Ep 113 No Self No Problem(1)

This episode is part of a series on understanding the intersection of race, privilege, and parenting.  Click here to view all the items in this series.

I’d always assumed that if I didn’t mention race to my daughter, if it was just a non-issue, that she wouldn’t grow up to be racist. Boy, was I wrong about that. It turns out that our brains are wired to make generalizations about people, and race is a pretty obviously noticeable way of categorizing people. If your child is older than three, try tearing a few pictures of White people and a few more of Black people out of a magazine and ask him to group them any way he likes. Based on the research, I’d put money on him sorting the pictures by race.

So what have we learned about reversing racism once it has already developed? How can we prevent our children from becoming racist in the first place? And where do they learn these things anyway? (Surprise: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”)


Jump to highlights

00:37 Introduction of episode
02:03 The premise of Vedantam’s book The Hidden Brain
02:51 Brain processors that happened using unconscious awareness
05:05 What happens to people after being caught making racist comments
08:36 Colorblind approach socialization
15:00 The literature on attempts to reverse bias in children
23:07 Advice for parents about the episode



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About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.


  1. Rebecca Chan on November 7, 2018 at 1:01 AM

    Has anyone come up with a list of children’s /toddler books that have illustrations of various races holding various jobs? Like an African American dentist, or a Hispanic scientist.
    I’ve done a google search, and there are some nice looking books on multicultural families, but not particularly books with diverse characters.

    • Jen Lumanlan on November 12, 2018 at 6:58 PM

      Hi Rebecca – I took a look around at some book lists and I’m afraid I didn’t see any books featuring diverse characters in non-family settings. I had thought that Barefoot Books might have something to offer (their website was down for a bit, which partly explains my delay in responding) but while they have lots of books showing diverse children, I was disappointed not to find any featuring other diverse characters. Not sure whether anyone else reading this might have come across such a list…? Please do leave a comment if so.

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