241: Validating children’s feelings: Why it’s important, and how to do it with Dr. Caroline Fleck

Close-up portrait of a woman with long brown hair against a blurred green background

  What exactly is validation? Dr. Fleck defines it as communication that demonstrates you are mindful, understand, and empathize with another person’s experience, thereby accepting it as valid.   In this illuminating conversation with Dr. Caroline Fleck, author the book Validation, we explore the powerful concept of validation and how it can transform your relationship…

How to Prepare Children for the Real World

Two smiling young children with their arms around each other taking a selfie outdoors.

Note: this blog post is adapted from the podcast episode, How to prepare your kids for the real world. Parents often ask me: “How can I prepare my child for the real world?” This question emerges in three distinct contexts: Navigating external influences like junk food and media; Dealing with broader social systems that don’t…

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240: How to prepare your kids for the real world

Two smiling young children with their arms around each other taking a selfie outdoors.

  In this episode, we explore how to prepare children for the real world without sacrificing their authentic selves. Drawing on research about food habits, screen time, social expectations, and discipline approaches, this discussion offers balanced strategies that prioritize connection over control. You’ll learn how to guide children through external pressures while helping them develop…

239: First year for your newborn baby: The 7 ideas that really matter

baby lying on stomach

  What truly matters in a baby’s first year? This episode explores the top seven things parents should focus on, helping you set priorities with confidence.   Questions this episode will answer How much influence do parents really have on their child’s development? What parenting practices actually make a long-term difference? Should you be worried…

238: Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? Tools to help you cope

238: Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? Tools to help you cope

  Feeling Overwhelmed by Parenting Stress? You’re Not Alone.   If you’re exhausted, stretched too thin, and struggling with the stress of parenting, you’re not the only one. Many parents—especially mothers—find themselves running on empty, constantly trying to meet everyone’s needs while their own go unnoticed. Parenting stress can leave you feeling frustrated, drained, and…