177: Three ways to be a good parent, even on bad days

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In this episode I take a look at the main reasons why we have these hard days – from our child’s temperament to our temperament to attachment relationships, trauma, and neurodivergences – all of these intersect especially tightly on the hard days.



Then we look at three ways to get through these days with a little more grace – and maybe even without having to apologize to your child at the end of it.


Are you often triggered by your child’s behavior? In this FREE masterclass, you’ll learn: Why You’re So Angry with Your Child’s Age-Appropriate Behavior – and what to do about it!

Why you’re so angry with your child’s age-appropriate behavior masterclass


Taming Your Triggers 

We’re getting everything ready to welcome a new cohort of parents into the Taming Your Triggers workshop. Enrollment will reopen soon!


In addition to the core content, we’ll have the option for you to match with one or two AccountaBuddies to hold you (gently!) accountable to finish the workshop, a roadmap and flow chart so you can see how the pieces all fit together, and some super short audio recordings to help you ‘come back to center’ throughout the day.


The entire experience is designed to help you not just learn new ideas, but to really take them on and use them in your everyday life.

Sign up for the waitlist now. Click the banner to learn more.


Jump to highlights

(02:44) It can be difficult when we have a temperament mismatch

(03:25) But having the same temperament can also be difficult

(04:36) Children will often take on a role in the family

(05:29) Our attachment style impacts how we perceive other people’s behavior

(10:40) Making a non-cognitive shift so you see difficult days differently

(21:05) We don’t always have to fix everything in the moment

(25:59) The challenges to meeting your needs more often

(29:43) The part we often forget is that your child has needs as well


About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.

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