152: Everything you need to know about sleep training

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We’ve already covered a couple of episodes on sleep, including the cultural issues associated with sleep, then more recently we talked with Dr. Chris Winter about his book The Rested Child where we looked at sleep issues in older children.


But if you have a young child who isn’t sleeping well, from the baby stage all the way up to about preschool, this episode is for you!  My guest is Macall Gordon, senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Antioch University Seattle, and who has studied young children’s sleep for 20 years.  She’s particularly interested in the intersection between children’s temperament and their sleep, and how parents of the children she calls ‘little livewires’ can support these children so everyone gets more sleep.


If you have questions about sleep training – particularly when and how to do it – this episode is for you!


And if you’re expecting a baby or have one under the age of one (whether this is your first or not!) you might be interested in the Right From The Start course, which is designed to help you get things right for you from the start.  We go in-depth on understanding topics like sleep, feeding, physical, mental, and emotional development, and more – both for baby and for you!


Get all the (research-backed, of course) information you need, plus a supportive community and four group coaching calls during the 8-week course.  Click the banner below to learn more!



Jump to highlights

01:25 Introduction of episode

05:15 Age range of a child to be sleep-trained

16:15 What it’s like to be a parent in a sleep training study

17:30 The active ingredient to sleep coaching

29:00 The differences of how babies sleep through the night

37:20 Only one method in sleep training the child

40:21 Limit setting disorder

48:54 Realization on the episode




Macall Gordon’s website, Little Livewires

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About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.

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