
041: Siblings: Why do they fight, and what can we do about it?

By Jen Lumanlan | Jun 18, 2017

Explore the dynamics of sibling relationships, their developmental impacts, and why they fight, as Professor Susan McHale from Penn State University provides insights.

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040: Only children: Are they as bad as advertised?

By Jen Lumanlan | Jun 4, 2017

Are only children really more selfish and lacking in social skills? Delve into the stereotypes, research findings, and insights on raising an only child.

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039: What to do when your toddler says “No, I don’t wanna…!”

By Jen Lumanlan | May 21, 2017

Dealing with a defiant toddler? Dive into the world of oppositional defiance in children, understand the reasons behind it, and gain practical strategies for smoother parenting.

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037: Generation Me

By Jen Lumanlan | May 7, 2017

Delve into the cultural forces shaping modern parenting, as we discuss individualism and its implications for raising the next generation. Learn how to navigate these dynamics for more balanced child-rearing.

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032: Free to learn

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 1, 2017

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Professor Peter Gray as we delve into the world of self-directed learning, the significance of play in education, and the incredible success of Sudbury Valley School. Uncover the secrets of nurturing self-reliant, independent learners through autonomy and exploration.

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