130: Introduction to mindfulness and meditation with Diana Winston

“When she was younger, she wasn’t that into reading and that was like a huge deal for me.  I thought: “I’m such a reader. My daughter doesn’t love to read.” She’s still not a big reader, but it’s not hampering her in any way. She’s blossoming in fifty other ways, but when I get caught in that story, “She’s not like me. She’s not…” – that’s when I’m suffering. So I settle back into trusting, and think: “Oh, she’s becoming who she is. Let her be that.”

-Diana Winston


Meditation is touted as being a cure-all for everything from anxiety to depression to addictions.  But is it possible that all this is too good to be true?

In this episode, meditation teacher – and former Buddhist nun! – Diana Winston guides us through what we know of the research on meditation that’s relevant to parents.  It turns out that the quality of much of this research isn’t amazing, but this may not matter to you if you’re thinking of starting a meditation practice because the opportunity cost (a few minutes a day) is so low and the potential benefits are so high.

We walk through a basic meditation that you can do anywhere, and no – it doesn’t involve sitting cross-legged with your thumb and first finger held in a circle and saying ‘ommmmmm….’.

I was skeptical about meditation too – until I tried it.  Perhaps it might help you as well?


Taming Your Triggers


If you need help with your own big feelings about your child’s behavior, Taming Your Triggers will be open for enrollment soon.

We’ll help you to:

  • Understand the real causes of your triggered feelings, and begin to heal the hurts that cause them
  • Use new tools like the ones Katie describes to find ways to meet both her and her children’s needs
  • Effectively repair with your children on the fewer instances when you are still triggered

It’s a 10-week workshop with one module delivered every week, an amazing community of like-minded parents, a match with an AccountaBuddy to help you complete the workshop, and mini-mindfulness practices to re-ground yourself repeatedly during your days, so you’re less reactive and more able to collaborate with your children. Join the waitlist to be notified when doors reopen.



About the author, Jen

Jen Lumanlan (M.S., M.Ed.) hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast (www.YourParentingMojo.com), which examines scientific research related to child development through the lens of respectful parenting.

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