
165: How grit helps (and how it doesn’t)

By Jen Lumanlan | Aug 26, 2022

Explore the concept of “Doing Hard Things” and how it relates to fostering grit and a love of learning in your child. Discover effective ways to support your child’s learning journey, even if you’re not an expert or lack a teaching credential. This episode delves into these essential aspects of parenting and education.

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112: How to Set up a Play Room

By Jen Lumanlan | May 10, 2020

Explore evidence-based guidance on creating an ideal playroom and selecting toys that enhance your child’s growth. Whether you’re embracing a dedicated play space or seeking budget-friendly alternatives, we’ve got you covered.

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068: Do I HAVE to pretend play with my child?

By Jen Lumanlan | Jul 8, 2018

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the educational aspects of fantasy play in children with Dr. Ansley Gilpin. Discover the significance of this form of play and its connection to executive function, and find out what to do if you’re not particularly fond of participating in pretend play with your child.

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Jen Lumanlan with children.

062: Why we need to let our kids need to take more risks

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 22, 2018

Discover the significance of risky play, its benefits, and considerations for parents as we continue our series on the importance of play for children. Gain insights into this aspect of play, along with practical advice on how to encourage and support it.

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059: How to Raise a Wild Child

By Jen Lumanlan | Mar 11, 2018

Explore the ideal resource for enhancing outdoor play with your child, Dr. Scott Sampson’s book ‘How to Raise a Wild Child.’ This episode provides valuable insights and practical tips for embarking on nature adventures together, even if you’re not an environmental expert.

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