Note: This blog post is an adaptation of the podcast episode How to Create a Culture of Consent in our Families When my daughter was three, her doctor prescribed antibiotics for an infection. She said she didn’t like the flavor and refused to take them, and I forced the dropper into her mouth. I…
Read Full PostDoes it sometimes seem like things would be a lot easier if your children would just listen to you? Would it make you feel uncomfortable to see your boy dressed in pink clothes, and your girl being loud, demanding, and ‘rude’? Do you ever feel as though you’re always trying to get to the bottom…
Read Full PostWhen my daughter was a toddler, I used to tell a lot of stories. Of course there were the stories I made up for her before bed; her favorites were the ones where she went on adventures with Squirrel Number One and Squirrel Number Two from our backyard. At least once in every story she and…
Read Full PostA few weeks ago I sent an email to YPM subscribers about Juneteenth, and how I see the connections between parenting and power, and one of you wrote back to me: I as a white parent am exerting power over my white child. How does this connect to racism? I understand modeling how…
Read Full PostKey Takeaways: Dr. Louise Bates Ames’ Your X-Year-Old child books are based on biased research that defined “normal” development using only White, middle-class children raised in the 1920s-30s. The research methods used by Dr. Arnold Gesell and Dr. Bates Ames were culturally biased despite claiming scientific neutrality, with rigid definitions of what constitutes ‘normal’ child…
Read Full PostNote: This blog post is adapted from the podcast episode 154: Authoritative isn’t the best Parenting “Style”. “On average, authoritative parents spanked just as much as the average of all other parents. Undoubtedly, some parents can be authoritative without using spanking but we have no evidence that all or even most parents can achieve…
Read Full PostIf you’re like most parents, you find yourself asking ‘why, why, why?’ on a daily basis. Sometimes you’re referring to your child’s behavior–‘why did he decide to lick the floor at the grocery store?’ Other times, you’re likely asking yourself about your own behavior–‘why did I just lose my mind about an unfinished bowl of…
Read Full PostHave you ever observed a child setting a toy car at the top of a ramp and watching it roll down over and over again? What is it that enables a child to do this for 45 minutes at a time when they won’t sit and listen to a story for more than five minutes?…
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