
065: Why storytelling is so important for our children

By Jen Lumanlan | Jun 3, 2018

Explore the remarkable world of storytelling and its profound impact on your parent-child relationship, offering valuable insights into your child’s interests and concerns. Learn about the cultural aspects of storytelling and how it influences interactions within the education system.

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058: What are the benefits of outdoor play?

By Jen Lumanlan | Feb 25, 2018

Discover the remarkable advantages of outdoor play for children in this episode, laying the foundation for an upcoming interview with Dr. Scott Sampson and his book ‘How to Raise a Wild Child.’ Get ready for practical insights and tips to encourage outdoor adventures with your little ones.

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057: What is the value of play?

By Jen Lumanlan | Feb 11, 2018

Uncover the significance of play through an enlightening conversation with Dr. Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play. This episode marks the beginning of a series delving into various aspects of play, including outdoor play, risky play, and imaginative play.

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044: How to introduce your child to music (even if you can’t play or sing)

By Jen Lumanlan | Jul 30, 2017

I can’t play any instruments (unless the recorder counts?).  I certainly can’t sing.  But my daughter really enjoys music, and there are a whole host of studies showing how playing music benefits children’s brain development.  So what’s a non-music playing, non-singing parent to do? Dr. Wendell Hanna’s new book, the Children’s Music Studio: A Reggio-Inspired…

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010: Becoming Brilliant – Interview with Prof. Roberta Golinkoff

By Jen Lumanlan | Oct 31, 2016

Prepare your child for the changing world of work with “Becoming Brilliant.” Learn about the vital “6Cs” – collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation, and confidence. Backed by scientific evidence, this book provides parents with valuable insights on nurturing these essential skills in their children. Get ready to shape your child’s 21st-century success.

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