Modern Parenting

054: Three reasons not to say “You’re OK!”

By Jen Lumanlan | Dec 31, 2017

Discover the significance of emotional regulation in children and the potential impact of saying “You’re OK” after a fall in this brief yet informative episode. Explore the importance of validating your child’s emotions for their healthy emotional development.

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052: Grit: The unique factor in your child’s success?

By Jen Lumanlan | Dec 3, 2017

Delve into the concept of “grit” and its impact on achieving success, as advocated by Professor Angela Duckworth. Uncover the importance of grit in personal and academic accomplishments, gain insights into nurturing grit in children, and explore its role and limitations in securing success.

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050: How to raise emotionally healthy boys

By Jen Lumanlan | Nov 5, 2017

Explore the effects of societal expectations on boys’ emotional well-being and gain insights into promoting healthy emotional development in your son through an engaging conversation with Dr. Judy Chu and guest Alan Turkus.

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049: How to raise a girl with a healthy body image

By Jen Lumanlan | Oct 22, 2017

Discover valuable insights into promoting a healthy body image and self-esteem in your daughter as Dr. Renee Engeln, author of “Beauty Sick,” shares expert advice in this thought-provoking episode.

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047: How to raise a bilingual child

By Jen Lumanlan | Sep 10, 2017

In this episode, we explore the challenges and benefits of raising a bilingual child, offering practical guidance and expert advice for parents seeking to navigate the complexities of language development.

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