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Latest Episodes & Transcripts

137: Psychological Flexibility through ACT with Dr. Diana Hill

By Jen Lumanlan | May 23, 2021

Discover the power of psychological flexibility – a valuable trait associated with wellness and reduced anxiety. It’s about being fully present, aligning with your values, and making choices based on your values. Dr. Diana Hill, co-author of the book “ACT Daily Journal,” delves into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you enhance your psychological flexibility through practical exercises. Join us in this episode to unlock the potential of ACT for personal growth.

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136: Mother’s Day Momifesto

By Jen Lumanlan | May 8, 2021

As we transition from the liminal space of COVID-19, it’s a chance to rethink the world we want to create. Do we simply return to the old “normal,” or can we envision something better? Explore the possibilities in this Mother’s Day Momifesto, from deeper connections to reevaluating priorities and supporting families. It’s time to shape a more meaningful future.

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135: 5 reasons respectful parenting is so hard

By Jen Lumanlan | May 2, 2021

Discover the reasons why respectful parenting is challenging and what you can do about them in this episode. Learn why parents often feel exhausted despite adopting respectful parenting practices and how to overcome common obstacles in this approach to parenting. Gain insights from expert perspectives and real-life experiences to help you navigate the difficulties of respectful parenting.

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SYPM 012: From fear-filled conflict to parenting as a team

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 25, 2021

Nicole shares her journey of parenting from a place of fear and control, rooted in her own upbringing by a single parent who had a traumatic childhood. Despite her core values of empathy, constant learning, and justice, Nicole struggled with the fear of not being a good enough parent and constantly sought information to bridge the gap between her struggles and her desired parenting style.

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134: Beyond Sex Education with Dr. Nadine Thornhill

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 18, 2021

In this episode we build on our conversation with Charlotte Rose about sex for us parents to go (far) Beyond Sex Ed with sex educator Dr. Nadine Thornhill, whose direct, fun, engaging style will help you to see that you, too, can have conversations about sex and pleasure with your own children. 

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What Carys wants you to know about your children’s feelings

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 11, 2021

In this special episode, our young guest Carys provides valuable insights into children’s emotions and how parents can offer support. Explore practical tips for understanding and connecting with your child during challenging moments. Don’t miss this heartwarming and insightful conversation on parenting.

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133: How the Things We Learned About Sex Impact Our Children

By Jen Lumanlan | Apr 4, 2021

In the first episode of our mini-series on sex-related topics, we discuss adult experiences and understanding of sex with Charlotte Rose, co-host of the Speaking of Sex podcast. Explore overcoming shame associated with sex and improving intimacy with your partner. This sets the stage for approaching discussions about sex, sexuality, and pleasure with your children in an upcoming episode.

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132: How implicit bias affects my child (Part 2)

By Jen Lumanlan | Mar 21, 2021

Do we really know what implicit bias is, and whether we have it? This is the second episode on our two-part series on implicit bias; the first part was an interview with Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, former Dean of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and co-creator of the Implicit Association Test.

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131: Implicit Bias with Dr. Mahzarin Banaji

By Jen Lumanlan | Mar 7, 2021

Join us in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, a leading expert on implicit bias and co-creator of the Implicit Association Test. Explore the concept of implicit bias, its presence in individuals, and how to recognize it in ourselves and our children. Gain valuable insights into understanding and addressing implicit bias.

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130: Introduction to mindfulness and meditation with Diana Winston

By Jen Lumanlan | Feb 21, 2021

Explore the potential benefits of meditation and discover what the research says about its relevance to parents. Join meditation teacher and former Buddhist nun, Diana Winston, as she guides us through a basic meditation practice that can be done anywhere. Find out how meditation might be worth a try, even if you’ve been skeptical, given its low time commitment and potential high rewards for your well-being.

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129: The physical reasons you yell at your kids

By Jen Lumanlan | Feb 7, 2021

Discover the reasons behind yelling at our children, even when we know we shouldn’t, and why simply knowing what to do isn’t always enough to align with our parenting values. Explore how past trauma can trigger our responses to our children’s behavior, and how it’s important to take a different path and learn new tools to respond effectively. Understand the deep connection between these feelings and our bodies, and the significance of processing trauma to create a healthier parenting experience.

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SYPM 011: Untigering with Iris Chen

By Jen Lumanlan | Jan 29, 2021

Discover the transformative journey of Iris Chen, as she shares her personal experiences and insights in her book “Untigering: Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent.” Previously trapped in a cycle of control and power struggles with her son, Iris recognized the need for change and embarked on a path of peaceful parenting. Through her story, she emphasizes the importance of finding win-win solutions, flexibility, and respecting boundaries in fostering healthy parent-child relationships. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the concept of Untigering and its potential to create a society where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

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