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Latest Episodes & Transcripts
072: Is the 30 Million Word Gap Real: Part II
Delve into the 30 Million Word Gap concept with a thought-provoking debate featuring Dr. Roberta Golinkoff and Dr. Doug Sperry. Gain valuable insights into the role of child-directed speech and the divergent perspectives on achieving the best outcomes for children’s development.
Listen to the full episode071: How your child can benefit from intergenerational relationships
Explore the beneficial effects of intergenerational relationships in this insightful episode with Dr. Peter Whitehouse. Learn how to address age-related conversations and navigate differences in parenting styles while fostering a healthy connection between generations for the well-being of your child.
Listen to the full episode069: Reducing the impact of intergenerational trauma
Join us for an insightful conversation with Dr. Rebecca Babcock-Fenerci as we delve into the profound impact of unresolved trauma from one’s own upbringing on parenting. Discover ways to recognize and address these issues, reducing the risk of transmitting them to your child.
Listen to the full episode067: Does the Marshmallow Test tell us anything useful?
Delve into the captivating world of the Marshmallow Test, from its origins to recent research challenges presented by Dr. Tyler Watts. Discover the fascinating insights into delayed gratification in children and its significance in their lives, all while uncovering the test’s nuances and potential limitations.
Listen to the full episode066: Is the 30 Million Word Gap real?
Dive into the complex world of the ’30 Million Word Gap’ study and its limitations as we uncover the research by Dr. Doug Sperry, shedding light on the role of overheard language in children’s vocabulary development. Explore the nuances and implications of this study, raising questions about linguistic skills in our education system.
Listen to the full episode065: Why storytelling is so important for our children
Explore the remarkable world of storytelling and its profound impact on your parent-child relationship, offering valuable insights into your child’s interests and concerns. Learn about the cultural aspects of storytelling and how it influences interactions within the education system.
Listen to the full episode063: How family storytelling can help you to develop closer relationships and overcome struggles
Delve into the captivating world of family storytelling and explore its numerous benefits, from instilling values in children to aiding in the healing process from traumatic experiences. Learn how to effectively incorporate storytelling into your parenting journey.
Listen to the full episode062: Why we need to let our kids need to take more risks
Discover the significance of risky play, its benefits, and considerations for parents as we continue our series on the importance of play for children. Gain insights into this aspect of play, along with practical advice on how to encourage and support it.
Listen to the full episode061: Can Growth Mindset live up to the hype?
In this episode, we delve into the concept of the growth mindset, exploring its scientific underpinnings and its potential impact on children. Discover the nuances of this theory and its relevance to fostering a positive mindset in your child.
Listen to the full episode